While this is co-written by a male author I thought it was fair to include it in the AWW challenge as well.
Cancer is a disease that does not discriminate. Why some people get hit with it three times (the last bout terminal) like Connie Johnson and others don't is a mystery that medical science is yet to solve. I have no doubt that Connie would have preferred to remain anonymous as she battles the disease that will ultimately take her from her husband and children. However Connie is not the type to give in easily and using her actor brother Sam's profile she created an amazing event that not only raised an amazing amount of money for breast cancer research but also gave meaning and focus to Sam's life at a time when he really needed it.
Cancer is a disease that does not discriminate. Why some people get hit with it three times (the last bout terminal) like Connie Johnson and others don't is a mystery that medical science is yet to solve. I have no doubt that Connie would have preferred to remain anonymous as she battles the disease that will ultimately take her from her husband and children. However Connie is not the type to give in easily and using her actor brother Sam's profile she created an amazing event that not only raised an amazing amount of money for breast cancer research but also gave meaning and focus to Sam's life at a time when he really needed it.
Most Australians would be familiar with the Love Your Sister campaign, which saw actor Samuel Johnson ride a unicycle around Australia. Despite its amazing success, it was not an easy event to get off the ground. A couple of years of planning and struggling to gain sponsorship was required. Once again it is thanks to Connie's tenacity that it ultimately went ahead.
Co-written with her brother Samuel, Love Your Sister is the journey of both the Johnson siblings. Covering their early life in Melbourne and the roller-coaster their lives have taken over the years, it is an easy read that is very emotional at times. Both Connie and Samuel have faced many challenges and much sadness in their lives and have not always been as close as they are now. However ultimately amid Connie's sad diagnosis, both discovered the value of family and how to use those bonds to do something amazing.
While Love Your Sister is a sad book in many ways it is also a very positive and uplifting one. I doubt any reader would fail to be moved by the story within.
Co-written with her brother Samuel, Love Your Sister is the journey of both the Johnson siblings. Covering their early life in Melbourne and the roller-coaster their lives have taken over the years, it is an easy read that is very emotional at times. Both Connie and Samuel have faced many challenges and much sadness in their lives and have not always been as close as they are now. However ultimately amid Connie's sad diagnosis, both discovered the value of family and how to use those bonds to do something amazing.
While Love Your Sister is a sad book in many ways it is also a very positive and uplifting one. I doubt any reader would fail to be moved by the story within.